
Raster in r
Raster in r

If not NULL, arguments xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx and crs (unless template is an Extent object) are ignored Raster* or Extent object used to set the extent (and CRS in case of a Raster* object). If this argument is used, arguments ncols and nrows are ignored Numeric vector of length 1 or 2 to set the resolution (see res). Also see under Details if x is a character (filename)

raster in r

90, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" is used. 360 and the y coordinates are within -90. If this argument is missing, and the x coordinates are within -360. PROJ.4 type description of a Coordinate Reference System (map projection). If present, the arguments xmn, xmx, ymn and ynx are ignoredĬharacter or object of class CRS. If TRUE, the cell values of ' x' are copied to the RasterLayer object that is returned An empty RasterLayer (no associated values) is returned if layer=0 The layer (variable) to use in a multi-layer file, or the layer to extract from a RasterStack/Brick or SpatialPixelsDataFrame or SpatialGridDataFrame. Supported file types are the 'native' raster package format and those that can be read by GDAL Raster(x, xmn=0, xmx=1, ymn=0, ymx=1, crs="", template=NULL)įilename (character), Extent, Raster*, sf, SpatialPixels*, SpatialGrid*, object, 'image', matrix, im, or missing. You can assign new values with setValues and with replacement.įor an overview of the functions in the raster package have a look here: raster-package. You can access cell-values with getValues, extract and related functions.

raster in r raster in r

when a RasterLayer is created from a file, it does (initially) not contain any cell (pixel) values in (RAM) memory, it only has the parameters that describe the RasterLayer. RasterLayer objects can be created from scratch, a file, an Extent object, a matrix, an 'image' object, or from a Raster*, Spatial*, im (spatstat) asc, kasc (adehabitat*), grf (geoR) or kde object. Raster: Create a RasterLayer object Description

Raster in r